Rec'd 179
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
It's Sunday afternoon and I am writing letters, catching up a little. I got two letters from Tiny and went home Tues. She couldn't walk much but I guess by now she is up and around and really feeling fine.
Thurs. night the boys put on a little show at the Service Club. The boys that put on little skits at the U. of O. did it again at the Service Club and it really went over big. On Fri. night the boys had a beer party so they ate late (about 7 o'clock). All the officers were there and they had a pretty good time singing etc. But they had a little too much to drink so the 1st Sgt. broke it up at about 10 o'clock.
During the day we have lectures and studying the nomenclature of the different vehicles and pieces. Fri. night before the beer party we G.I. the barracks.
Sat we got off at 10 o'clock and they gave us passes the last minute so I went into Santa Maria. I got in about 3 o'clock. It's about 26 miles from Camp Cooke. It's a very beautiful town and very clean. It has a population of about 8,500. I went to get a place at the dormitory they have there. They only charge you 50 cents. Something like they had in Seattle, Wash. I went in alone just to get away from camp for awhile. I walked around town looking at the different houses. They are all beautiful. The architecture is different and they are all light colors to reflect the sun's rays. I went to the St. Mary's Catholic Church for a visit and gosh it's the greatest little church. I said my rosary & lit a candle.
Then I went to a show and saw "Hey Rookie" and "The Ghost that Walks at Night." They both were very humorous and were very good although they didn't have much of a story. I got out at 9:30 & went to the dormitory and slept till 7:30 this morning and then went to 8 o'clock mass. Then I came back to camp--ate dinner & here I am writing letters. This outfit is pretty good and I guess I'll make out alright.
Say ma would you like to make Tiny a few crocheted handkerchiefs or something. I would appreciate it an awful lot. Let me know. O.K.?
I picked up a few post cards which I will send in a separate envelope and also the pictures of the U. of O.
I received your letter, the ones you addressed to 11 Armored Div. I guess I told you that in my last letter. I am glad you liked the pictures and I hope you like the rest just as well.
We got a new commanding general and he lifted the restriction on civilian shoes. It's a good thing I didn't send them home like the rest of the boys did.
I'll write soon again and until then I hope you all are in the best of health and very happy.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
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