Monday, November 1, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 95

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene

Date 11/1/43
Letter No. 95
Rec'd --

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

It didn't rain over the weekend but there still wasn't any sun out. It's always cloudy.
We had another swell weekend. We went to the show Sat. night and saw "Stormy Weather" and I liked it an awful lot. We also saw "Aerial Gunner." I saw already tho, but there isn't much of a selection in town. I always get in early on Sat. night because all the girls on the campus have to be in by 12:15. So Tiny has to be in also because she is president and she must set a precedent. It feels good tho because you can get a good nights sleep.
Sunday morning Tiny went to church with me. It was the funniest thing. We were talking a mile a minute to each other and we accidentally passed the church so we got there late so we stayed for another mass, and right after mass they started the 40 hr. devotion so we spent practically all morning in church.
Sunday afternoon (we had chicken again for dinner) we stayed at the sorority house and I was teaching her a few N.Y. steps. At night we went to Gerlinger Hall and they have a swell piano there & she played for me. Next time she is going to get a record made and I will send it to you and then you can see what I mean.
This morning they had a mass for the students & the campus. So my roommate and I went (All Saints Day).
I took in the pictures & they will be done some time this week. I will send them as soon as I get them.
We were notified Sat. that our term would be over on the fourth of Dec. and we only get one week off--from the 4-12--so that means I won't be able to get home. That's one thing I hoped I wouldn't have to write but that's all the time they will give us. So I'll just send my time here in Eugene thinking about home. I guess that that's no Christmas present for you ma, but please don't worry about it and we'll just pray a little harder that this war will be over soon. And at the rate they are going it won't take them long.
I am getting along pretty good with my studies. The algebra test on Sat. was a bit hard but I think I passed it OK.
I received your package ma. Thanks a lot. That gum and candy certainly come in handy. And the shaving kit certainly feels good to use again.
I hope you are all in the best of health and please don't worry, and I am in the best of health. I will write soon again. So until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Send my Love & Kisses to Grandma. I will try to write tomorrow.
P.S. I just found a letter in my book. I'll answer it in my next letter. And thank Grandma again for the stamp. Love T

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