Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 54

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date 6/18/43
Letter No. 54
Rec'd 84 & 85

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

Here it is Fri. nite and for the 5th time this week it has been raining. We had very little sunshine this week.
Well my transfer didn't go thru as I expected it to. So I guess I have to stick to this outfit. I found out there were to be no transfers. Why I don't know. I guess I'll click in here sooner or later.
Remember in my last letter I said I was going to the show to see "Five Graves to Cairo." Well I did go and I enjoyed the picture an awful lot. Franchot Tone played an excellent part.
On Monday (14) there was a show in camp. It was "Camel Caravan" and boy was that a swell show. They had professional singers, comedians & dancers. Boy they certainly made us laugh. The master of ceremonies was a dead picture of James Cagney and boy did he act like him. I think the show was better than some I saw over in the N.Y. Paramount.
Wed. nite I went to the U.S.O. dance with Peggy Johnson. We had a swell time again. You ask me what she looks like. Well she has light brown hair, bluish gray eyes (I think), and I believe she is slightly overweight, although she doesn't look it. I have her picture, if you would like to see it, let me know.
We are still surveying on the road job, and things are progressing O.K. In fact I should say quite well.
I just got an idea. I am thinking of joining up with the aviation cadets. I am writing with a buddy of mine right now and was talking to him about it. He passed his test and waiting for his call to go to school. What do you think of the idea ma?
I sent a birthday card to Grandma. I would have liked to get something a little better but I didn't have any choice at the PX. But it's still pretty cute.
I don't know how Ele hurt her wrist she wrote me but I forgot. But it's all better now anyway.
I certainly appreciate Eleanor sending the clippings. I sure like to read them over. I will try to write to here when I get a chance. And that certainly was cute with all the jokes on the outside of the envelope.
Well I shall close now. I feel fine & hope everybody is the same. So long for a while
Love & Kisses
Your Loving Soldier Boy

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dear Ma No. 53

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date 6/15/43
Letter No. 53

Dear Ma,

This is just a note to let you know that I sent a package to you containing 3 presents. One is a necklace for Grandma. How it's not my sound judgment. In other words I wouldn't get it for Grandma if I could have gotten something else. Stores in Tacoma close at 6 & therefore it's impossible to get something outside of camp. I had to get it in the PX and that's the nearest I could get. Now if you don't think Grandma would like it (and I think you may)
buy something for Grandma for me as long as you make Grandma happy. I am awful sorry I couldn't get something else, but we are limited to the PX. Please tell Grandma OK. Please let me know what you do.
One is for Ele. It's a cross I bought at the PX and surprise here, by giving it to her on her birthday. OK.
One is for Pa for Father's Day. It's a pack to hold cigarettes.
This is not a report from your soldier boy but just a note to let you know I sent the package.
I will let you know about everything & how things are going in my next letter.

So until then I remain,
Your loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. How did you like the picture?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 52

Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date 6-13-43
Letter No. 52
Rec'd 82 & 83

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Well here it is Sunday nite. It was gloomy out all day & just now the sun is streaming. We had rain almost all week. This is one state you can't judge the weather. I remember back in N.Y., you usually could judge the weather the nite before by looking at the stars and the sky. But here it's just impossible.
I am still surveying on the road job. It's progressing pretty good. I just got done talking to one of the lieutenants in our outfit about the transfer I applied for last Sunday. He said it was in base headquarters and if they approved it, it would to thru. I must have talked about an hour to him. Boy he's a swell guy. He is one of those guys you can talk to because he worked himself up from buck private (enlisted man) to what he is now. And he know what it's all about.
On Wed. (6/9) nite there was a formal dance at the U.S.O. and Peggy Johnson said she would go with me. So we went and had a swell time. She went in her graduation dress and really looked swell. We had a grand time.
Thurs. (6/10) I was called down to the main post office and there was a slip there requesting the package you sent to J.B. They just wanted to see whether I received it or not. They are trying to trace it. They had all the merchdise listed so I guess if they can't trace it they will refund you. I hope so there was an awful lot in the box.
I guess it's safe to tell you now that I sent you pictures. Once for you mom & one for Grandma. I hope you like them. I had two proofs made & told him to pick out the best one. I borrowed the hat from Bruno Borella. I also sent Ele one. I hope you like it. And when you give Grandma hers give her a kiss for me O.K. I would have sent it to Grandma direct but you know how I feel with Aunt Anna there.
I went to the Post show last nite and saw "Captive Wild Woman." It was something on the style of Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde. I didn't like it so much.
My cold is well rid of and I feel fine. I told you it was only a slight cold and I treated it just like you used to do at home. Vicks Vapor rub before I go to bed and plenty of rest. How is that?
I am glad you had a nice time at Coney Island. I received your card.
We get plenty of meat here. It seems like the army has just about everything.
I hope they pick out a nice spot for their vacation. Maybe something like Jersey's Breezy Knoll?
I don't know whether I mentioned it in my last letter, but that certainly was a smart idea put "glass" stickers on the outside of the box will the cake, because I received it in perfect condition. Boy was that cake good.
I just don't know where I got the bracelet, but I think I got it the day before my birthday.
I did receive that letter telling me that Grandma gave me $5 for my birthday. And I believe I did thank Grandma for it. But I shall say it again. Thanks a million Grandma. Please keep it in my secret bank. I don't need it right now. In fact the way I am arranging my budget I don't think I will need it & you can save it.
Ele is fine & I just got a letter from her. Her wrist is better now.
The reason I didn't receive no. 75 is that you had two #76. I didn't mention it as long as I knew. O.K.
I think I may go to the show tonight as there is just time to make it. I think they have "Five Graves to Cairo" or something like that. I'll tell you about it in my next letter.
So I shall close hoping you are all in the best of health & very happy. And I hope you like my pictures. So until my next letter
I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dear Helen


Dear Helen,

Say you know that I have been sitting here about 20 minutes trying to think of something to say to start off this letter. I have plenty to say but by gosh I always have trouble starting a letter. Well anyway I started off this, regardless of how I started it, didn't I?
Since I last wrote you, I have been surveying on several jobs and am loving it. But for once I may get a break. We got a new commanding officer and he says that anyone who feels he is unfit in this outfit can see him about it. So I did. I told him I would like to go to topographical drafting school as I have the background & was classified as one. So he said he would try to get a transfer for me. Maybe I am not settled yet. Who knows. But whatever way it falls I guess it be for the best.
I saw a couple of pictures at the post show, namely "Assignment in Brittany" & "The Human Comedy." Helen if you do get a chance I wish you would see them. I enjoyed both immensely.
I went to the U.S.O. dance a few times and although I have a nice time, they certainly don't compare with the dances back in St. Louis.
Sunday, June 6, I visited Pt. Defiance Park up here near Puget Sound. It's a beautiful park and I believe it's the best I've seen. I only wish I could have seen Forest Park. I love to just sit in the park. It seems that when I see nature in the raw, I can forget everything and just dream & dream of how I would like things to be. And believe me, there would be a lot of changes.
The W.A.A.C.'s have landed here to. And personally I don't like WAACs, and now there is no doubt in my mind.
Joe D'Angelo has written me and he is going thru extensive training in Ft. Ord Calf. (Amphibious Engineers). I certainly hope he gets a break & gets shipped out of there. I didn't know D'Angelo back home, but he lives so close to me that it felt as if I had known him all my life.
You certainly hit the nail on the head when you picked "As Time Goes By" as your favorite. It clicks with me alright. I didn't hear "You'll Never Know" yet, but maybe I will soon. Or maybe I did hear it and didn't know the name. I'll be more observant next time.
So you are planning on a vacation. Well by gosh I hope you pick out a swell place like I did back in N.Y. because you certainly have a good time. I wish I could go on a vacation myself (meaning furlough).
I don't think you are so nuts trying to get a tan. I love girls that have a dark complexion. My sisters always did the same thing you are going to do and believe me, I admired them for doing so. I hope you do get a dark complexion as I can just picture you with a white gardenia in your hair. Boy there certainly is beauty there.
I certainly would like to see some more clippings on the flood. If you still have them I would love to see them.
Oh say, I almost forgot. June 3 was my birthday and my dear ones certainly did an excellent job of making me happy.
My mom sent me an identification bracelet & boy its enough to knock anybody's eyes out of their head. I feel like the king when I wear it. My mom also sent me a huge fruit cake. And boy did we feast on it. I also got a ring from pop, cigarette lighter from my oldest sister & writing paper & a picture wallet from my other sisters. And my grandmother always comes thru with a large box of cherries. Besides that I got cookies & cigarettes. So you see I was made very happy and quite supplied for quite awhile. The only bad part is the time when inspection comes. I have to borow a barracks bag to hide it. Boy I had some laugh over it.
Well Helen, I think that's the story from the northwest except for the weather once again. The sun is out quite a bit now. Thank God. So until I hear from you, which I hope is very, very short time, I remain,
As Ever

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 51

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date 6/7/43
Letter No. 51
Rec'd 79-80-81

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Hello everybody. Well here it is Monday nite and once again I have a pile of mail to answer. I'll name some I have to answer - Sonny, Helen, Marnie, Miss Anderson, Bruno Borella, Joe D'Angelo - quite a few huh!
To start off I must tell you what I did yesterday. You remember I told you I went to the U.S.O. dance last week. Well I met a girl up there and we got to talking, and she told me about one of the beautiful parks they have here. So I said how would you like to go Sunday and show it to me. She said O.K. and so we went. And believe me mom, the park is beautiful. They have a small zoo (nothing like Central or Prospect) but it was nice. And they have rides (nothing like Coney Island) but it's nice. But the scenery and flowers and views far surpass that of any park I have ever seen. It over looks the water (Puget Sound) and it's beautiful. The park's name is Pt. Defiance. The girl's name is Peggy Johnson. She is a very nice girl and can dance swell.
If I can get a pass this Wed. we will go to the U.S.O. dance. I got some postcards of the park and street. I will send them soon.
Janet Blair is the one that played in "My Sister Eileen") was at the Recreation hall last week. But I didn't go because I wanted to write letters.
One of the lieutenents is going to try to get me into the drafting dept. for awhile if there is an opening, but I have still better news. We got a new company commander (1st Lieutenant with 15 years service) and he said that anybody who thought he was not fit for the outfit or felt he was misplaced should see him and he would try to get him a transfer. So I went up to see him. So I did. I told him I would like to go to topographical drafting school as I was classified to go and he said that he would try to get me transferred. He was swell. So maybe I'll be transferred. Who knows.
I have been surveying on a new job now & it's not so bad. We get another job as soon as one is done.
Ma everybody admires the bracelet so much. Boy I'm proud to wear it. They also like the ring too. And Ma the cake was so delicious it went so fast. The fellows went nuts over it. But don't ever do anything like that again because the people at home feel the food ration [?] us. But mom it was swell. And the cherries. Oh Boy.
We are all on field rations ma (all camps) but we still get plenty to eat.
Elfrieda got a sprained wrist and she writes short letters but it is getting better and she is writing long letters again.
I just got a letter from Helen and she is O.K. She tells me quite a lot about the flood but it is not near her home. I will enclose a clipping she sent me.
I certainly would like to hear that new piano piece Ele's got. let me know how she makes out with it.
The weather here is getting nicer, not so much rain anymore. Did I ever tell you when the sun sets here? Well it sets about 9 o'clock here. They say in the middle of summer there is only about 5 hrs of darkness. Some differences from N.Y. huh.
Well I shall close now & hoping everybody is in the best of health. So until I write again I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy

P.S. I have a surprise for you ma. It will be on its way soon.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 50nnnn

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date 6/2/43
Letter No. 50
Rec'd 77-78

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Believe me everybody I am at a loss
[sic] for words. I feel so happy I don't know what to say. Especially after receiving a most beautiful identification tag. When I opened the box, there was a million words I could have said to express my feeling, but there I was [sic] standing all alone & if someone did pass, I guess they would have thought I was crazy talking to myself. I felt like a king when I put it on. Thanks a million, ma. It's so hard to express my feeling on writing paper, but you know ma, it's perfect. And it's a swell job on the lettering.
Good. I got so much to say I don't know where to start. Everything is just what I needed. Really you all shouldn't have did it.
Grandma always comes thru with the cherries. And believe me they taste twice as good in the army. Thanks Grandma. And ma, give Grandma a nice big kiss for me. O.K.
And Dad thanks for the ring. It's swell. It feels so much different again with a ring on.
And Bob, if only you knew how handy the cigarette lighter comes in. When a soldier approaches you, he doesn't ask for a cigarette, he asks you for a match. That's one thing we're short of. Thanks Bob.
And Ann, that's being on the beam. If there is anything I like it is things more perfect than before. And you sure hit the nail on the head by adding my no. on the writing paper. Thanks Ann, it was perfect.
And Ele, you cute kid. You always pick something that nobody else would pick. And if it's one thing I need, it's a place to keep my pictures so they are easy to look at. Thanks, Ele.
And Ma, the cake. You shouldn't have did it. It made me so homesick. Just to look at it and think we all could have had a piece, instead of only me. With every piece I eat, I can just see everybody around me having a little party like we always use to have. I am going to give all my friends a piece, and say, see this is what mom sent me. And believe me, they are going to enjoy it.
I also received a package from Ele. She sent me cigarettes, stationary, lofts
[?] candy & home made cookies. She is so thoughtful ma. I wish she was my girl ma. You know ma.
Gosh I have so much cake, candy, & cookies to last me for the duration. I really feel like a king. You don't know what it means to have a family that treats you the way you all do. I don't how anybody gets along without it.
And I must thank you all for the swell cards you sent me. They are all just perfect.
I am so glad about what the doctor said. Boy he must be a swell guy. He certainly knows his stuff. That's a birthday present all alone.
I hope Helen Riley didn't have any trouble. I didn't hear from here in two weeks now. I just hope the flood didn't reach her house. A lot of fellows here tell me that their houses are affected by the flood. As soon as I hear from her I shall let you know.
I am so glad Grandma's garden is coming along so good because I know it will make Grandma so much more happy.
I will try to take pictures this Sunday if possible.
That's a swell idea to have a moss [?] read for Aunt Joe. Grandma can do anything she wishes to.
Joe D'Angelo's address is:

Pvt. Joe D'Angelo
Co "A" 110th Eng. Combat Bn.
Amphibian Training Group No. 9
Fort Ord, Calf.
U.S. Army

I just know he will enjoy hearing from you.
I have been doing pretty good with the surveying lately. And this morning I was on K.P. (the first time in over a month) and the lieutenant got me off K.P. about 8 o'clock in the morning to do a job for him. O.K. huh.
Last nite I dropped down to the U.S.O. to the dance with the boys. We had a nice time.
Well by this time you just know I am feeling fine and right on the beam.
I hope you are all feeling tops and very happy. So until my next letter I remain

Your Most Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. I don't think I ever said anything about my record. I haven't touched a drop of liquor since I've been in the army. Not even G.I. beer. O.K. huh.