Flight "F" 360 T.S.S. U.S. Army Letter No. 17
Jefferson Barracks, MO. Rec'd 20
Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,
Well to begin, I'm eating the cookies Ann made ever since I got them about 12 this morning. They are the tops. How did you know I liked chocolate chip cookies? I gave one to each fellow in the hut & they all liked them very well. (They only got one apiece. It may be stingy but I really do like them too much to spare any more). Thanks Ann.
Well today it snowed (early this morning) and boy was it cold over here. But we had to drill just the same. In the afternoon we drilled & did an obstacle course. First we had to run up & down steep hills (with our overshoes on & the snow we had a good time). We thought it was all over after that but we had to go thru an obstacle course, climb fences, climb hills, crawl thru pipes, cross bridges, etc. It was a lot of fun but I'm a bit tired just now. But I'm getting used to it. It seems [to] grow into you when you get it regular & you don't mind it. Tonight I was going to rest up & tomorrow I was going to write letters & go to a show or something - but a list came in tonight & we all get detail tomorrow so instead of my day off I have to serve K.P. Isn't that mean? But I'm not squawking because it has to be done & it will be done. Right ma. Boy what a man you're going to have when I get out. A hundred percent better. I'm glad you liked the pillow case & pictures ma. I'll try to get you a big picture when I get organized & have an emblem on my arm, etc. I will try to get an emblem I mean a banner if they have one. I 'm glad Elfieda is coming down. I hope you had a nice time.
You could send me some woolen socks ma. It must have slipped my mind in the other letters. Also come handkerchiefs.
Ma didn't I write Mrs. B. Salg on all the envelopes? I was pretty sure I did. And what did I answer in the other letters that you asked me? Tell me so I can get an idea of what things she will talk about. Or is that a silly question?
Thank Grandma for the thought about the cherries. The money will come in just as handy so thank Grandma a million times. How is Grandma feeling?
Gee dad is getting pretty good in writing letters. Thank dad for the money. It certainly will com in handy. You say I didn't mention your valentine. Well I was almost positive I did. You just look over the letters. But thanks again incase I was mistaken.
One of the fellows mothers sent him a salami roll, a round loaf of Italian bread, cookies, figs, candy and batch of other food, o yes sausage too. Boy did we get a laugh at that one. It cost a dollar or something to send it. So we had a little feast.
I include a couple of postcards I got for your collection ma.
Well I think I've answered everything & I think I will go to bed early tonight because I won't be able to rest up tomorrow. So until my next letter I hope you all are in the best of health. Thanks again for all the gifts. It makes me feel like it's home when I get so many gifts. Good night.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. I wouldn't come out to see me ma, I am so sorry to say because 13 fellows were shipped out tonight & it could have very well have been me. I don't want to take the chance even though my chances are pretty good of me staying here. Ma[y]be my next camp will be closer. Keep your fingers crossed. XXXXXXXX
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