Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele


Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Well it won't be long now.  I leave tomorrow night (Thurs. night) and I should arrive in N.Y. probably late Tues. morning.  I am taking the Southern Pacific through St. Louis.  I took the Union Pacific last time so I don't know what time I will arrive in N.Y.  So don't have anybody come down to meet me.  How did you like the surprise I told you about in my last letter?  Yes I'm sending myself home.  I didn't want to tell you all until I was absolutely sure.  The same for Grandma.  Won't it be swell.  I'll be home for Grandma's birthday & also 4th of July and we can celebrate Ele's birthday early.  How's that?
Don't get excited Ma and if I arrive home any different time than Tues. I'll wire you & let you know.
So until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy

"I'll be Seeing you All"

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 134

Letter No. 134
Rec'd  198-199

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Received your letters and as usual was so happy to read them.  I was certainly surprised to hear one of my letters got there in 2 days.  That is very unusual you know.
I stayed in camp last night and wrote a few letters trying to catch up a bit.
This morning I went to church.  8 o'clock mass, and then I played a little baseball until chow time.
During the week I received a box of marshmallow fudge from Mable, the Sec. at John Thatcher's.  They were very good.  I believe she made them herself but as yet I didn't hear from her.
The weather here has been pretty good.  The sun right now is shining real bright and yet it is so cool & comfortable.  
Hope Ann has a nice time at Northport.  Ele certainly must look cute in her senior hat.  She shouldn't worry too much about her tests.  She will pass them.  At least she better pass them.
I just found out that yesterday was Father's Day.  I'll find something as soon as possible and send it along.  
I didn't hear anything from the interview as yet.  I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Fri. night I went to the show and saw "Double Indemnity" with Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck & Edward G. Robinson.  It was very good.
Next Fri. Sat. & Sun they are going to have a religious retreat at La Purisima Mission which I am going to.  I'll let you know all about it next week.  I'll include a couple of clippings for your scrapbook.
I have guard duty tonight.  I go on at 5 o'clock.
I am in the best of health and very happy.  I have a surprise for you but I can't send it as yet.  I'll try to send it as soon as possible.
Take care of yourself and give my love to all the family & Grandma.
Your Loving Soldier Boy

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 133

Letter No. 133
Rec'd  196 & 197

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Well here it is another Monday again.  It seems like I hit Mon & Tues for writing letters doesn't it?
Well I went to L.A. again over the weekend.  I was just lucky again as there was a bus for the battalion going down.  I found out the last minute so I called up the girl I met at the dance last weekend and made a date (she's a jitterbug from Iowa).  We went to Long Beach at the Municipal Auditorium again.  This time they had Henry King & his orch.  We had a nice time.  I slept at the dormitory & Sunday I went to Hollywood & stopped in at the Hollywood Canteen again.  They put on a nice show.  The only celebrity was Elizabeth Patterson who plays "mother" in most pictures.  I got her autograph & will enclose in this letter.  Her latest picture as I wrote on the back of the card is "Hail the Conquering Hero" playing the part of Ella's aunt.  Maybe you can see it when it comes around.  Then I went to the U.S.O. & got a record made which they will send home.  I made a few mistakes but you know me ma.  I hope you like it.  My voice sounds kind of deep I guess maybe I was standing to close to the mic.  I think you'll get a kick out of it.  Play it for Grandma also OK.
We are just doing routine stuff around here which doesn't make good writing matter but an doing fine in all my work.

I just love to receive your letters ma.  You asked me about that rocket I was going to make a lamp out of.  Well we had to turn them in and I'm not sure yet whether I can get it back but I'll try to get one.
I didn't see "Shine on Harvest Moon" but if it comes (or maybe it passed) I'll see it.  
I certainly was surprised about the Marines having a victory garden.  I guess they do about anything to keep busy.
I'm glad my watch is OK and running fine.  That's a load off my mind.  My watch keeps perfect time.  It comes in so handy especially on these problems at night.  It's really swell.
I certainly hope Al is all right.  His mother shouldn't worry so much.  Worry is just no good.
It is certainly good news about the invasion.  This will be over sooner than we think.  I always talked about the underground movement would be the deciding factor & just in tonight's paper it said half million French patriots are revolting.  I don't see how the nazi can last for any reasonable time.  
Are you & Bob & Tiny still corresponding?  Now don't say anything & she didn't for awhile either.  Let me know?
I guess that's about it for right now.  I got K.P. tomorrow but I don't mind it a bit.  
Give my regards to Grandma.  Love & kisses.  Take good care of yourself and let me know the latest as to whether your picking up weight etc.
Until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy

P.S.  Will you please look at one of Ed Thatcher's letters and send me his address.  I think I put the wrong address on his last one.  O.K.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 132

Letter No. 132
Rec'd  195

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

This is no longer your boy reporting because I am 21 now.  I sure wish I could have spent my birthday home sure seems like our minds work together.  You said if I go to L.A. I should have a drink on you - well that's exactly what I did.  I was very fortunate to get to L.A. on my birthday.  In fact I got a 3 day pass - Fri. Sat. & Sun.  We got the highest mark in our test (first platoon) and we were all awarded a 3 day pass by the Col.  Wasn't that swell.  I'll enclose the order.
We went to Long Beach (about 20 miles from L.A. and had a swell time.  I looked up Dorothy Little (Col. daughter) but she moved back to Ohio, her homestate.  She told me the week before that she may have gone.  Well it was nice knowing her anyway.  We arrived at L.A. about 4 Fri. afternoon.  After getting a hotel room & ate we sent to a dance.  There I met a girl named Betty Kellough of Long Beach native of N. Dakota I believe, a jitterbug of course.  Long Beach is a pretty nice place.  It reminded me of Coney Island as it had rides and concessions just like Coney Island.  Sat. afternoon we sent swimming.  At least we laid on the beach.  The water was too cold.  I got a nice sun burn.  In fact I still feel it a little.  I smeared Noxzema on before I went to bed.  I had a little trouble getting to sleep though as the fellow I was sleeping with was a little restless.  It was a lot of fun though.  Sat. night we went to a dance at the Municipal Auditorium.  (A picture of it is in the cards I sent).  Horace Heidt & his Musical Knights was the band and it was very good.  Though you know that of all the people you talk to, the majority of them come from other states.  In fact I don't think I talked to a real Californian yet.  We had a pretty good time all in all.  I'm glad I got out on my birthday anyway.  And thank for the drink ma.  
The watch keeps perfect time and were I was in L.A. I bought a band (leather) for it.  It is a safety band.  Even if it comes off on one side it will not fall off my wrist.  It will give it added protection.  How's that?
I'm glad you like the year book from U. of O.  How did you like my pictures?  You might have known my picture would be taken jitterbugging, huh?
Last Wed. we went before the board I told you about.  I told him I was a draftsman and gave him all the dope.  He said he could do what he can.  So I'll just have to wait.  If I get transferred, O.K.  If not, O.K. too.  I'm not going to worry about it.  Right?
I got a batch of swell birthday cards.  Thanks a lot.  And Grandma put air mail stamps in hers again.  Wasn't that swell?
Tiny sent me a swell wallet for my birthday with her picture in it.  It is real nice.  She is getting along pretty good.  I hope you all are still writing.  
I got letters from Frank & D'Angelo.  Frank praises my outfit very much.  D'Angelo told me something that he couldn't write for a long time but it's O.K. now.  He was in the Kiska campaign.  He now has a ribbon with one battle star on it.  I'm sure glad he is O.K.
A while ago we had a retreat parade and one of the lieutenants took pictures.  I got some made and will send them in another envelope.
I am in the best of health and hope you all are too.  We are going out on another problem for a couple of days.  I'll try to write as soon as possible.
Say they finally invaded.  Boy what news.  I sure do hope they don't meet much opposition.
I'll close now until then
Your Loving Soldier Boy (Man),
